Fine Art by Sally Amthor Barone

Welcome to my paintingful life!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Latest Project

I painted this cedar bench for the Harvest Festival at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts in Bethel, NY. The theme for September 28 is the Ag Experience: Catskill Farm Experience, so I decided to paint a medieval agricultural scene.

I worked a good three hours every day on this painting! I primed it with white paint, then did an underpainting of the trees, mountains, and fields in acrylics. The details are in oil. I had a lot of fun with this project, and although it was challenging (especially to the knees) to paint slats of wood instead of flat canvas, I'm so glad I had the opportunity to do this.



Florals and Still Lifes

oil on canvas

If you could see this one in person, the red underpainting really makes it "pop!"

oil on canvas

oil on slate tile

oil on canvas "paper"